Defining native contacts (Q) as collective variable
In order to understand how to implement Q as a collective variable in PLUMED one needs to understand how Q is defined:
where the sum runs over the N pairs of native contacts (i,j),
is thedistance between i and j in configuration X,
is the distance between i and j in the native state,
is a smoothing parameter taken to be 5
and the factor
accounts for fluctuations when the
contact is formed, taken to be 1.2.
Therefore, the first step is to compute the number of native contacts of our system. To do so, I load the native structure. In the case of this example, this native structure has been loaded as a PDB file, although one could select the file type of their preference.
pdb = md.load("Heliat-1/Heliat-1.pdb")
For this particular example, I will consider my native contacts to be exclusively given by
atoms. Therefore, I make a dictionary
to save the atom index of each
atom alongside their residue index number (this will be usefull in a future step):
ca = {}
for i in range(1,17):
if (i == 1):
ca[i] ="residue %i and name C"%i)[0]
ca[i] ="residue %i and name CA"%i)[0]
Notice that I am working with an Heliat, which is cyclated using the sidechain of a CYS and an
ACE. The C atom of this ACE is involved in the formation of -helix
and therefore I define it as an
Once the atom selection is done, I compute the number of native contacts:
pairs = []
contacts = md.compute_contacts(pdb, contacts='all', scheme='closest-heavy')
NATIVE_CUTOFF = 0.45 # nanometers
for i in range(len(contacts[0][0])):
if (contacts[0][0][i] <= NATIVE_CUTOFF):
In this case, I am considering as a native contact any interaction between two residue pairs that are at least 3 residues apart and that their minimum distance is lower than 0.45 nm. These native contacts are then stored in the native_contacts array, which should look like this:
array([[ 1, 4],
[ 1, 5],
[ 2, 5],
[ 2, 6],
where each number belongs to the residue index of each residue.
Once this step is performed, I am now ready to start writing the first actual PLUMED input files. To do so,
the first thing I do is to create a file where I select each
internally with PLUMED. I will call this file
and it will contain the following:
file = open("Heliat-1/CA-list.dat", "w")
file.write("MOLINFO STRUCTURE=Heliat-1.pdb \n")
for i in range(1, 17):
if (i == 1):
file.write("c%i: GROUP ATOMS={@mdt:{residue %i and (name C)}}"%(i,i))
file.write("c%i: GROUP ATOMS={@mdt:{residue %i and (name CA)}}"%(i,i))
This file contains the information of where the atom selection is being made from (PDB file in this case) and
makes the atom selection internally making use of the MDTraj synthax thanks to the @mdt
flag. Once this step
is done, I will write the actual PLUMED input file that contains the information for the metadynamics
simulation. In order to fill this file, one should understand how Q should be defined as a collective variable (CV)
in PLUMED. The first step is to define a contact map where the contacts are your native contacts. Inside the
definition of this contact map, one should define five important parameters: cutoff distance of a native contact,
and weight (which should be 1 divided by the number
of native contacts). The synthax is the following:
ATOMS=atom1,atom2 SWITCH1={Q R_0=1.0 BETA=50.0 LAMBDA=1.2 REF=__ARG2__} WEIGHT=__ARG3__
where __ARG1__
should be substituted by the name with which one wants to define the contact map (for now on,
I will be using cmap
), __ARG2__
should be substituted by the reference distance
should be substituted by the weight of each distance (1 divided by the number of native contacts).
In order to let PLUMED know that it should perform a calculation of Q, we add the Q inside the SWITCH
and add the SUM
line at the end of the definition.
Once the function is defined, I will add the following lines to define this contact map (cmap
in my case) as
a CV:
metad: METAD ARG=cmap ...
where PACE
defines the frequency (in frames) with which a new Gaussian hill will be added,HEIGHT
defines the hieghts
of the Gaussian hills and SIGMA
defines the width of the Gaussian hills. Here, __ARG4__
should be defined depending
on each individual case. PLUMED recommends to set the value of SIGMA
to be a third of the fluctuations of the CV one
is using. In this particular case, SIGMA
should be of around 0.005-0.01. Lastly, GRID_MIN
define the
lower and upper bound of the grid. The information of the Gaussian hills will then be written to the HILLS
file. This
will be important in future steps.
In order to create an input file to run a metadynamics calculation with PLUMED which will be named plumed.dat
I run
the following lines:
file = open("Heliat-1/plumed.dat", "w")
w = 1 / len(pairs)
ref = []
for i in range(len(pairs)):
c1 = ca[pairs[i][0]]
c2 = ca[pairs[i][1]]
ref.append(md.compute_distances(pdb, [[c1, c2]])[0])
file.write("INCLUDE FILE=CA-list.dat \n \n")
file.write("cmap: CONTACTMAP ... \n")
c = 1
for i in pairs:
file.write(" ATOMS%i=c%i,c%i SWITCH%i={Q R_0=1.0 BETA=50.0 LAMBDA=1.2 REF=%.6f} WEIGHT%i=%.6f \n"%(c,i[0],i[1],c,ref[c-1],c,w))
c += 1
file.write("\n SUM \n")
file.write("... \n")
file.write("metad: METAD ARG=cmap ... \n")
file.write(" PACE=500 HEIGHT=1.2 \n")
file.write(" SIGMA=0.005 \n")
file.write(" FILE=HILLS GRID_MIN=0 GRID_MAX=1 \n \n")
file.write("... \n")
file.write("\nPRINT ARG=cmap FILE=COLVAR")
Once the plumed.dat
file is created, the metadynamics simulation is ready to be performed. One should run it in an
environment where MDTraj is present (as it is imprescindible to define the
atoms we defined in the
file. The line to run this calculation is the following:
gmx_mpi mdrun -s *tpr -plumed plumed.dat -ntomp 1
Once the calculation is finished, one can extract the evolution of how Q changed during the simulation from the
file, where the first column gives the time value and the second column gives the value of Q. Regarding
file, in order to extract information one must run the following line:
plumed sum_hills --hills HILLS
Once this line is run, a file named fes.dat
will be created, which containts the information of the Free Energy Surface
of your metadynamics calculation.