Working with multiple replicas
For a general description of how to integrate PLUMED when working with multiple replicas, check the PLUMED masterclass 21.5. Note that for using this you will need both PLUMED and Gromacs to be installed using MPI. Check installation instructions here.
Here we illustrate how to use the replica exchage with solute tempering method in its second iteration (i.e. REST2), which uses a different scaling scheme that the original REST. Before you start, please check the materials at the PLUMED website on Hamiltonian replica exchange.
The first thing to check is whether all the files you will need are available in your folder. In the terminal, type
$ ls data/replex
You should find a number of files, including the Gromacs structure file alaTB_ff03_tip3p_npt.gro
and another file called
. The former is a properly equilibrated
structure file, of the alanine dipeptide in TIP3P water. The latter is a pre-processed topology
containing all the information required to run a simulation, and
hence devoid of include
Note that in the [ atoms ]
section, we have modified the standard names of the atoms with
an underscore (i.e. HC
is now HC_
). This will mark these atoms as the solute whose
interactions will be scaled in the REST2 scheme.
The first step is hence to scale the interactions, and in order to do this, we use PLUMED `partial_tempering' program. Because we are running multiple replicas, each with a different scaling, the command will be run inside a loop in the following Python script:
import sys, os
gro = "alaTB_ff03_tip3p_npt.gro"
toppp = ""
mdp = "sd_nvt.mdp"
# scale solute interactions
nrep = 4
tmax = 1000
t0 = 300
for i in range(nrep):
exponent = i/(nrep - 1)
ti = t0*(tmax/t0)**exponent
lmbd = t0/ti
folder = "rep%i"%i
except OSError as e:
print (e)
command = "plumed partial_tempering %g < %s > %s/"%(lmbd, toppp, folder)
top = "%s/"%folder
tpr = "%s/alaTB_ff03_tip3p_nvt.tpr"%folder
command = gmx + " grompp -f %s -p %s -c %s -o %s"%(mdp, top, gro, tpr)
In your machine, gmx
should point to a working MPI installation of Gromacs.
This script will generate a number of folders, each with a scaled topology file
Because we have generated the run input files for Gromacs, we can simply run the
simulations using
mpiexec -np 4 gmx_mpi mdrun -s alaTB_ff03_tip3p_nvt -multidir rep* -nsteps 1000000 -plumed ../plumed.dat -hrex -replex 500 -v
Note that, as I did, you may need the flag --mca opal_cuda_support 1
for running the simulations
with GPU support.
You can next verify whether your replica scheme has been successful demuxing the trajectories
using the
script included in the Gromacs distribution:
perl rep0/md.log
Again, you will likely need to provide the full path to the Perl script. Additionally, you can analyze the results to verify how much additional sampling has been done through the replica exchange scheme. We have included a Python notebook with some rudimentary analysis.