Setting up PLUMED with Gromacs

First of all you must patch the Gromacs code with PLUMED. There are multiple options available for you.

Installing with conda

If you only want a hassle-free installation to try things out, then you can simply use the pre-compiled versions made available by the PLUMED developers for their masterclasses. Here I follow the instructions from the first masterclass In the terminal, type

$ conda create --name plumed-masterclass

and then

$ conda activate plumed-masterclass
$ conda install -c conda-forge plumed py-plumed numpy pandas matplotlib notebook mdtraj mdanalysis git
$ conda install --strict-channel-priority -c plumed/label/masterclass -c conda-forge gromacs

Patch Gromacs with PLUMED

First install PLUMED. In order to do this you will have to download and unzip the software

$ wget
$ unzip
$ cd plumed2-master/

Then you will follow the usual steps to install software using Make

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
$ make
$ sudo make install

You will also have to make sure that the installed libraries are visible in your path

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib

The next step is to install Gromacs. First download the code and unzip the package. In this case I am patching the 2021.6 version of Gromacs.

tar -xvf gromacs-2021.6.tar.gz

The next thing I did was to check whether I could use Cmake to install with my desired options, in this case running with GPUs and compiling with MPI support

cd gromacs-2021.6/
mkdir build
cd build/


Then comes the key step of running the plumed patch command

cd ..
plumed patch -p

After that you can go back to your Gromacs install directory and finish the installation as usual

cd build/
sudo make install
/opt/gromacs/2021.6/bin/gmx_mpi mdrun -h