VMD scripting
It is relatively easy to use the command line instead of the GUI in VMD. This is particularly useful when one needs to load multiple molecules, or make multiple visualizations look the same (e.g. making multiple molecules look like NewCartoon but changing their colour).
Loading a molecule
mol new file.pdb
Applying a visualization style
mol modstyle 0 0 NewCartoon
Changing colour
mol modcolor 0 0 ColorID 2
Loading a trajectory
mol addfile traj_comp.xtc
Loops in VMD
The example below is for changing the colour of five different molecules so that each has a different colour.
for {set x 0} {$x <= 5} {incr x} {
mol modcolor 0 $x ColorID $x
Making videos in VMD
VMD has a built in tool called Movie Maker. You must use it to generate a video according to your particular taste. You can find some instructions here. One possibility is that you save the files for each of the snapshots of the simulation, instead of letting VMD produce the movie and remove the files for you. If you do not do that, then you can tweak things a bit, in terms of using different movie formats or tuning the bitrate. Below is an example of the command that you can invoke for generating the video.
ffmpeg -i filename.%05d.ppm -r 25 -an -b 10000k -bt 10000k moviename.mpg
Clearly, you will need the ffmpeg
program for doing this, which in a Mac
you can obtain from MacPorts. Then the %0.5d
in the filename just corresponds
to the different files written by VMD that you want to process (be careful with